When my oldest daughter Lauren was small, we got a children’s book about Zeke the butterfly. It so spoke to me then that I carried it into the jails and prisons I visited. There is no telling how many times it was read and preached to the men I met there. It is now one of the few children’s books we still have.
Now all these decades later, I am back with Zeke once more. His message is more beautiful and clearer than ever! The words are those of author Robert O’Rourke, and the simple illustrations are mine.
Read and Enjoy!
What God Did For Zeke
The Fuzzy Caterpillar

As you can see, this is not your typical “Born Again” story. It is a simple story of our transformation from takers to givers planned long ago by God. The journey from our selfish-selves to our true-selves by the power of the Spirit. Our destiny is to change into what we are in the character and nature of God from within!
Go and do likewise!!!

What God Did For
ZEKE The Fuzzy Caterpillar
Standard Publishing – Cincinnati, Ohio – ISBN: 0-87239-406-9
Written by Robert O’Rourke Illustrated by John Ham