In many ways, grace is a lot more of a taskmaster than law. As hard as math and mouth (confession) may be, heart and hands up the ante in The Way considerably. The coming storm for each of us is that everyone is eligible for unconditional love and grace regardless of my bends, leanings, tastes, or preferences.
The Coming Storm
When my heart first began to embrace the posture of grace, my mind rebelled because it understood my selfish excuses were gone. I knew that unmerited riches had been handed me and that I would be called upon to give. You may have heard the same funny story as I of the two poor farmers leaning against the side of a shed looking up at the stars. The first says to his neighbor, “If you had all the stars in the heavens would you give me half?” The second answers with conviction, “Sure I would!” Again, the first one asks, “If you had a million dollars would you share half with me?” “Of course!” the man replies. Finally, getting to the point, he asks one more question, “If you had two pigs would you give me one?” His neighbor responds, “Now you know I have two pigs!”
It is both the enormity of the gift and the cost of our response that will occupy us in Series Two. If we are honest with ourselves, it is only what we have earned and achieved that we appreciate. This pride is the root of all power in religion, the outside-in approach to the message. What we believe we have earned through our efforts, we place on others to do the same. To accept free handouts, even from God, is another matter altogether! It is one thing to see humanity through the eyes of family, all my brothers and sisters, quite another to see them as aligned with me or against me, and just simply different or “other” from me.
The Way
The Way is not found in achieving the goal of salvation or heaven, but in surrendering all to the One who knows the end from the beginning. Trusting that They know best where we should live, what we should drive, and where our resources of time, talent, and treasure should go! We have been way too hard on the Rich Young Ruler when he is us! My mother loved bumper stickers. Her tastes for slogans were not, however, my own. My two favorite ones were, “THINGS GO BETTER WITH CHRIST!” and “TRY GOD!” The former sold a lot of Coca-Cola. The latter was close to heresy, HAHA!
Galatians 2:20 KJV
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
A crucified person no longer decides what is his and what belongs to another. As they say, “There are no U-Hauls pulled behind our hearse.” We no longer give God 10% and we decide what to do with the other 90 “ . . . in the life which I now live.” Also, we no longer live by our faith, but “. . . by the faith OF the Son of God . . . ” Tell me, how does one TRY death and resurrection? I’ve never heard anyone say, “Oh, I tried that death thing, and it didn’t work out so well, so I won’t being trying that again!” This Way has always been about absolute, total, and complete surrender, “. . . who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Just like our older brother Jesus understood, “This revelation is that His [Jesus’] every thought and joy exists in the character, nature, and will of His Father.” (GM)
The Coming Storm is an introductory reflection on the Unspoken Sermon linked below:
Outstanding! Thank you.