God created human relationships after His own Thoughts and Life. Relationship, therefore, is the best teacher of love and devotion. Love expressed to God and our neighbor. The context of relationship is an infinitely higher and more reliable means of achieving our education in “Life.” Relationship is the best environment to learn and grow into the image of the Son; better than any teaching or lesson the Divine intellect could have devised. In Mark eight Jesus feeds the five thousand and at the end He asks His disciples, “. . . Don’t you understand yet?” “D*mn?”
“Jesus doesn’t tell them they are wrong. He instead goes after the root, which led them to their mistake. The source is far more critical than the fruit. Jesus does not waste time explaining about the bread, for His concern is not on the surface. He often speaks not about the words, outward expressions, but the thoughts. Here Jesus even goes beyond the ideas. He goes to the whole way of thinking, the matrix or paradigm, the context for their thoughts, to the very inward awareness of the person.”
Love as Fruit
Love is The Fruit, but not the root of the Divine Life. Before there was any-THING, there was Relationship. Relationship is the irreducible Truth of the Trinity. It is not A relationship, or THE relationship, but simply RELATIONSHIP itself. The one we have come to call the Trinity. The Father, Son, and Spirit’s pre-existent Life when there were no-THINGS. Creation was not “ex nihilo,” from nothing, but from Their very Being, Their very Life. LIFE preceded things, and things, the Cosmos, came from Them. I do not care if it was seven billion years or seven thousand years or seven days or seven seconds for time is nothing to Them. Relationship is mutuality, interdependence, all of one whole, spun up and released in a moment. No-THINGS could exist without the rest of all-THINGS present.
We, on the other hand, are Life Bearers. We were uniquely created in Their Image and Likeness. The Cosmos was designed to be our playground, given for our education, and all created things ours to enjoy. No wonder for us to put things first is to miss the point of Life entirely. They withhold nothing that is Life for us, Their Life in us was why we were created and Life lived with Them is our destiny.
The Way
The way forward is to admit we know nothing of this Life. Life as the Trinity shared before things, before time. Life for Them was complete, whole, abundant, and overflowing, lacking nothing. Their fellowship and communion was Life. Life where the Others in the circle of Life were more important than Themselves. Life where other-centered and self-giving fills Their existence to the fullest!
From this Life, They imagined everything that was to be. From the Father’s heart and mind, all-THINGS were laid out and complete. Through His thoughts expressed, the Son, the Word, spoke them into being, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, they became what the Father thought! As MacDonald revealed in “Life” there is no water in oxygen, no water in hydrogen, but there is water flowing from the imagination of God! The Father’s thoughts became reality through Their Oneness, Unity, and mutual indwelling. This pattern is The pattern of all!
There will be a new heaven and a new earth, but there will be only one you! People are eternal, and it is for us that They came, lived, died on the cross, rose from the dead, and ascended. If They will give Themselves so wholly, what good thing would They withhold!
The Relational Storm!
“The door must be opened by the willing before Love will cross its threshold, as He watches to see the slightest movement from within. Every storm is but an assault in the siege of Love. The wrath of God is but the other side of His Love. It is the love outside the house that wants inside. The house that is no home until He dwells there. Things must be cast out to make room in our souls. Room for the internal, eternal Truths, so that they can take outward form.”
The Relational Storm is an introductory reflection on the Unspoken Sermon linked below:
The Cause of Spiritual Stupidity
Front Porch Audio Player
A message about audio recordings in the future.