God of the Living
Why do we believe in the power of death more than the power of Life? What does this say about our concept of God? MacDonald uses the story of Martha and Mary and the resurrection of Lazarus in the sermon “The Displeasure of Jesus” to express the truth that, “God is the God of the Living.” He also uses it to discuss Jesus’ anger with our unbelief in Their Life. Every expression of Their anger is a gift from Their other-centered and self-giving love.
All are Alive
Jesus said, “Even Moses exclaimed about resurrection at the burning bush, saying, ‘God: God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob!’ God isn’t the God of dead men, but of the living. To him all are alive.” Luke 20:37-38 MSG
MacDonald exposes this lie found in the dramatic example of death as the visible tip of the iceberg of our unbelief. We see all of what we call life through this lens of death. We are so focused on the temporary that the eternal remains unseen! Our Father is the God of the living, and we live from a stream where there is no such reality as death. This Truth of Life extends into all the everyday parts and moments of our existence. God’s Life is abundant Life! We lack nothing in its’ flow, only our unfulfilled wants hinder us. Martha and Mary wanted their brother now, present to their senses, while he, had just for a moment in time, moved from one room to another. Jesus saw the lie of lack and death in their feelings and actions that they really believed Lazarus was no more!
Death is Defeated!
“Jesus loved them so much that He could not stand to see them in their tears shut out His Father. He was irritated that they could sit in the ashes when they should be out in His Father’s wind and sun, and all this pain for a lie! Because the grief in their hearts that made them weep so was false.” GM
Death is not defeat. It is defeated! It is victory over sin and darkness for those who know what Jesus knows about death and Life. For in God, there is nothing but Life! There is nothing but redemption and restoration of all that is lost in our moment of time.
Divine anger is God’s love fighting fire with fire. The “Refining Fire” of Divine love destroying sin and darkness for our liberation before the “Consuming Fire” is required for the same!
All are Alive is the introductory blog for the sermon listed below: