Knowing the Son
Do we KNOW the Son? Or is who we know an imposter? This knowing makes all the difference in the world, both now and later!
“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” John 17:3 NAS
If Jesus came in on a Greyhound bus and slept on a park bench downtown, would we, upon hearing the reports of this strange auto repairman, be the first to run to listen to Him speak? Would we turn over our pulpits and churches to Him? Are we confident enough in hearing His voice and seeing His ways that we would sell all and sit at His feet and follow Him out of town on the next bus?
Jesus’ Answer
His argument was simple. If you had ever heard the Father’s voice, recognized His call, or cared for His will so that his word was at home in your hearts, then you would have known Me when you saw Me! If you had imagined him or a God like him then you would have known that I came from my Father and was His messenger. You would have listened to me because you knew Him and so recognized the similarity I have with my Father. You would have seen Him in me. That you do not know me is that you did not know Him as your Father and mine. You have refused to do His will and so have not heard His voice. You have closed your eyes from seeing Him and refer to Him only in advancing your partisan ambitions. If you had loved the Father, you would have recognized His Son. I think even if you had loved your neighbor, you would have recognized Me.
Jesus? Jesus.
Let us not kid ourselves that we are different from those that preceded us! The Jews thought they knew God. So, how would we know? That His teaching on faith agreed with ours? That His thoughts were with our reasoning on doctrine? That He was following our tradition? The Jesus of two thousand years ago did none of that with the Jews of His day, and He probably would not with us today! Is Jesus our best friend with which we share all? Does our world, our circle, know us by our love for one another? This Love is THE KNOWING! Not what we think, but what we live in union and dependence on Them!
Jesus? Jesus. is the introductory blog for the following sermon: