Real Righteousness
Righteousness It is to be so in love with what is fair and right to make it impossible for a man to do anything less

St. Athanasius
For me, the “Church Fathers,” as for many of you, were a mystery and of little importance. I would be in my forties before Baxter Kruger would introduce me to my first one, St. Athanasius (296-373). After my first decades among “the frozen chosen” and the next ones among the “cruisamatics,” I had had little interest in our ancient brothers and sisters of the early church.

All are Alive
God of the Living Why do we believe in the power of death more than the power of Life? What does this say about our

Incarnation of Light
The Incarnation “Think of a group of people trapped in a collapsed mine. And suppose that the rescue team only set up shop on the

Two Faces of God?
Father and Son John understood the gospel message. He had lived to a ripe old age and was writing at the end of his life.

The Pony
Here is a story from my college days, from long, long ago, about a Dale far, far away! I was probably nineteen going on thirteen, or something like that! A clean-cut, all-American, honor role student . . . “Not ! ! !”. If you believe that, I still have some

Covenant of Faith
God’s gift to us! God’s covenant with Abraham was a covenant of faith, a gift to us! Let’s look at blood covenant in general and Abraham’s covenant specifically. Abraham is called “our first father in the faith.” It is hard to overstate the significance of Abraham and his role in

Zeke the Butterfly
When my oldest daughter Lauren was small, we got a children’s book about Zeke the butterfly. It so spoke to me then that I carried it into the jails and prisons I visited. There is no telling how many times it was read and preached to the men I met

Puzzle Pieces
Perhaps your family was like mine and did puzzles during the Christmas holiday season. We got a thousand-piece puzzle, set up a card table, and dumped the puzzle pieces out and let the fun begin. Conversations started, and life shared as we searched for the image emerging from the chaos